1. Intractable pain : This means Any type of pain (moderate to severe constant pain) you have had for weeks, that requires daily medical treatment.

2. Post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from direct exposure to or witnessing of a trauma for a patient who is at least 18 years of age

3. Peripheral neuropathy, when symptoms are severe or end stage

4. Crohn’s disease

5. Cancer

6. Seizure disorders related to diagnosis of epilepsy or trauma related head injuries

7. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, when such diagnosis is severe or end stage

8. Multiple sclerosis, when such diagnosis is severe or end stage

9. Mitochondrial disease

10. Parkinson’s disease, when such diagnosis is sever or end stage

11. Sickle cell disease, when such diagnosis is severe or end stage

12. Tourette’s syndrome, when such syndrome is diagnosed as severe

13. Autism spectrum disorder, when (a) patient is 18 years of age or more, or (b) patient is less than 18 years of age and diagnosed with severe autism

14. Epidermolysis bullosa

15. Alzheimer’s disease, when such disease is severe or end stage

16. AIDS when such syndrome is severe or end stage

17. Patient is in hospice program, either as inpatient or outpatient


*To get a Georgia Medical Marijuana Card you need  at least one medical problem listed  above+ documentation to show you have that medical problem (documentation can be your medical records or a letter from your doctor showing you have that medical problem).